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PoP girl radishes

Kids Programs

Mill City kids At The Market We love our youngest market shoppers! Read more about the educational and entertainment programs available for children and families who visit the market, plus some tips for bringing the whole family into the kitchen.

Der's Flower Farm

Farmer & Maker Grants

our Grant Programs The Mill City Farmers Market Charitable Fund (MCFM-CF) is committed to the success and sustainability of the local food economy. We designed the Next Stage Grant Program to support local, regenerative farmers and food producers who are improving sustainable farming and business practices or growing toward the “next stage” of their business.…

Why Buy Local?

We understand that shopping locally isn’t always the most convenient or the cheapest. However, when you buy locally grown vegetables, handmade bread and pasture-raised eggs, you are paying for the whole cost of the product. Local, sustainable farmers and makers don’t externalize the costs onto the environment, our community’s health, or poor wages and working…

The healing power of herbal tea

After a month of parties, shopping trips, family celebrations and nights on the sledding hills, a new season is upon us–cold and flu season. The sniffly, cold weather has us reaching into our cupboards for herbal teas. Unlike black, green, white, pu-erh or oolong tea that all come from the leaves and leaf buds of…  Read More

Locally Grown Christmas Trees

Find some holiday cheer at our November and December markets with Christmas trees and spruce tops from Nistler Farms. Starting November 16th, Jeff Nistler will be bringing wild balsam fir trees, spruce tops, birch logs and dogwood branches for all your winter decorating needs. Why buy local? According to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, buying…  Read More

Science from Sap to Syrup

Surface tension, glaciation, barometric pressure, evapotranspiration and UV degradation aren’t necessarily terms you think of when talking about a Wisconsin family farm. But at a recent visit to Horner’s Corner maple syrup operation, Mill City Farmers Market staff learned all about the science going on in the maple woods this time of year. Stephen Horner…  Read More

From bumper crop to new business

Kiss My Cabbage, one of Mill City Farmers Market’s long-time vendors, began in 2012 when Adrienne Logsdon was working at Burning River Farm. That season the farm produced an unexpected bumper crop of cabbage. Not one to let a good thing go to waste, she decided to make wild-fermented sauerkraut out of the surplus. The…  Read More