• Tiny Tables


Dan Cramer began his company, Tiny Tables Inc., when a client asked for small “places to put essentials” in a her new loft space.  The response from those who saw the first tables was immediate and exuberant.  Since then, Cramer has focused on designing products specifically for life in smaller spaces.  After a career as a award winning furniture designer for companies such as Gunlocke, Herman Miller and KI, he’s applying his skills to scaled down modern furnishings—one at a time.

“I began making ideas while studying art and architecture in college. After reading books and writing papers for 15 years, I felt the world come alive. To think, to conceptualize, and then physically create sparked a curiosity that continues to motivate my daily life.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I spent six years learning craft skills—first as a carpenter and metalworker, then as a cabinetmaker and furniture maker. At age thirty, I entered the 3d Design Department at Cranbrook Academy of Art.  I immersed myself in a study of modern design exploration.  After completing an MFA, I began a career focused on watching culture and designing products that intuit and support the way we live our lives.

Recently, I’ve observed a decline in suburban residential growth and a return to smaller, modern (and often very chic) homes in urban centers. These include dwellings of 500 to 1000 square feet. Living in these smaller spaces requires a new paradigm for design.  Tiny tables is just the beginning. I’m looking to develop a new model for an evolving way of life.” –Dan Cramer

Tiny Tables
Minneapolis, MN

Market Availability

Outdoor Market
Next market: Saturday, September 7

Dates Available

Saturday, September 7



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