• Suki’s Chateau


A small business established by two sisters exploring their growth in business. During the pandemic, Narida (10) and Katheriya (8) decided to bring shopping to families who can’t go outside. As military children and having to be away from family and friends for long periods of time, these sisters understand what loneliness is and wanted to connect others with their little cheer.

The sisters set up their dining room area and made it their business platform, selling holiday ornaments and holiday trees to cheer the spirits around the world. After two years they founded Suki’s Chateau and explored mental health healing, with their family they wish to continue to grow and bring healing to all.

The House of Suki presents healing from the core; mental health, body, mind and spirit. All treasures are natural stones and nature made. Gems are all hand-selected and hand beaded by the sisters and their siblings to support different energy healing elements of the body, mind, and spirit. They have beaded in total of over 10K bracelets. The unique gifts are from around the world and provide positive energy healing antidotes to healers, practitioners, gem enthusiast and anyone. Please support our future entrepreneurs.

Suki’s Chateau


Market Availability

Outdoor Market

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