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Searched for: cheese

The Skinny on FAT

By Dustin Nelson, Meet Your Vegetables Nutrition Intern Fat is an important nutrient for the body. It is critical for proper growth and development and maintaining normal health. Fat has a whopping 9 calories per gram which the body uses as stored energy. Fat also acts as an insulator for tissues, a cushion for vital…  Read More

Bountiful Berries

Authored by Hilary Gebauer, UMN Public Health and Nutrition Summer is short in Minnesota – and so is berry season! So when you have the chance for fresh Minnesota grown berries be sure to take advantage. We all know that berries taste great on their own or on top of cereal, ice cream or yogurt.…  Read More


Authored by: Jillian Tholen, U of MN Nutrition Dept. Some of the most unassuming foods are the ones that pack the most nutritional value. Case in point: sprouts. It’s hard to believe that these tiny shoots can offer us so much, given their minute size and meek appearance, but they contain an incredibly wide range…  Read More


Authored by Kata Hribar, UMN Public Health and Nutrition Colorful, plump and sweet – fresh green soybeans have been a staple in both Japanese and Chinese cuisine and are increasing in popularity here in America. Edamame, the Japanese name for edible soybeans, are immature soybeans, harvested after about 80 percent of their growth and are…  Read More


Authored by Hilary Gebauer, UMN Public Health and Nutrition Cabbage is loved around the world and many cultures have their own favorite way to prepare it from German sauerkraut to Korean kim chee. Cabbage will start showing up in the farmer’s market mid-summer and will be around into the fall. Luckily, it’s a versatile veggie…  Read More