• Fair Anita


Fair Anita is a fair trade company that works with over 8,000 women around the world, primarily survivors, with a mission of investing in women. The Minnesota-based team designs the products which are made by talented artisans who work with recycled and upcycled materials like melted down bullet casings and H&M fabric scraps. In its 5 years of being in business, Fair Anita has sent back over $1M in regenerative income to its artisan partners.

One group based in Peru calls itself a “little workshop with a big heart.” Led by Martiza and Anita, this group is made up of women with disabilities or women who have children with disabilities. The artisans earn 2-4x the minimum wage, receive health insurance (almost unheard of in Peru) and education stipends for their children. Because of their work, they’re able to afford life-saving medications for their kids and set money aside for the future.

Fair Anita
Edina, MN


Market Availability

Outdoor Market
Winter Market
Next market: Saturday, April 5

Dates Available

Saturday, April 5





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