• 3 Bear Oats


Note: “7 wonderful seasons! We’ve been honored to share our passion for steel cut oats through our sweet & savory, organic, locally sourced sustainably packaged 3 Bear Oats Bowls. We’ve loved getting to know so many of you and appreciated your support, spirit and humor. The dedicated farmer might say “for everything, there’s a season”. For us “that’s a wrap!” A bientôt for now and see you Saturdays on the other side of the booth!

Gratefully, Therese & Doug”

Based on the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Therese Moore’s 3 Bear Oats offers frozen steel-cut oatmeal bowls at the Mill City Farmers Market. With european roots, inspired by the way oatmeal is eaten in Scandinavia as savory “all day oats,” this gluten-free meal is served with a choice of delicious toppings. Enjoy in convenient, compostable to-go bowls to reheat and eat for breakfast, lunch or snacks.

3 Bear Oats is a Minneapolis-based company established in 2016 and based out of The Good Acre food hub. Therese uses organic steel cut oatmeal and sources many of her oatmeal toppings from fellow Mill City Farmers Market vendors and other local producers.

In the News:

  • Therese Winter Market 3 Bear Oats

3 Bear Oats
Minneapolis, MN

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