• Pumpkin Leaf Sauce


This delicious dish was made for us by Guest Chef Relyndis Tegomoh during a Mill City Cooks live demo this summer. Check it out below and try it out for yourself!

Pumpkin Leaf Sauce

By Relyndis Tegomoh


  • Diced Tomatoes
  • Diced Onions
  • Pumpkin Leaves (Young And Tender)
  • Cooking Oil
  • Bicarbonate Of Soda (Optional)
  • Salt and Pepper


  1. Saute your diced onions and tomatoes in heated cooking oil until ready.
  2. Turn down the heat and add very little water.
  3. (Optional) Sprinkle in a pinch of bicarbonate of soda to help vegetable retain its green color.
  4. Fold in vegetable into the saucepan and let it cook down for a few minutes. Cook for a short time to desired crunch.
  5. Add salt and pepper as needed.
  6. Enjoy!

Traditionally served with cornflour fufu, potatoes, plantains, cassava (yuca) or cocoyams (taro).

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