by Rick Nelson, Star Tribune
Following a national trend, this summer’s avalanche of street food — sold from trucks, carts and stands — is luring hungry downtowners in St. Paul and Minneapolis out onto the sidewalks. Summers — and dining while standing — will never taste the same. A tip: Locations and times change frequently but whereabouts are chronicled on social media outlets, which means it’s never been a more delicious time to log into Facebook and Twitter. Here are our favorites:
Carrie Summer and Lisa Carlson’s pioneering Chef Shack continues to be the genre’s gold standard. The pair amassed some serious culinary credentials on the brick-and-mortar side of the business before going mobile, and they have an enviable business model: Work like crazy from May to October, then spend the winter continent-hopping. Those travels are reflected in their condiments station, a fast-food version of the United Nations General Assembly… read the whole article on the Star Tribune’s website.